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  MODX Instructions


Add a New Page

Edit an Existing Page

Show and Hide Menu Items

Publish and Unpublish a Page

Loginat with your admin username and password
Click onpage title at the leftTo find the page expand the list by using the down arrow at the top of the page list OR use the Search utility.
Click onEDITTo find display the Edit panel. Edit should be the default view.
[Note:] Normally only the Content is edited. All other instructions are available, but optional.
Edit TitleThe page Title appears at the very top of the browser window.
Add/EditLong TitleAppears near the top of the content panel of the web page.
Select TemplateThese are web templates (skins) in inventory for your use.
Set Menu TitleThis sets the name of the link in the menu, if the page is shown as a Menu item.
Set Menu IndexThis sets the page order in a parent or child group of pages.
Set Show in MenuToggles to have Menu Title show in a menu. (May not work, depending on the programming.)
SetResource ParentThis is a little tricky. First be sure the parent page is visible in the last at the column at the left. If is it not visible, click on the [+] on the page to expand the list where the parent page appears. If you cannot find it click on the down arrow at the top of the page list to expand the entire inventory of pages.

After locating the page, click on the icon to the immediate left of the word Resourse Parent. It will change to appear as an open folder. Then, Click on the parent page at the left column. The Resource parent number will change to match your selection.

Add ContentSee Edit Control Row 1 and Edit Control Row 2 to learn what each icon does in the Content section.
Check PublishedToggles to publish or unpublish a page.